Five Sparrows

Five Sparrows is our free, twenty-four month recovery residence for women who are survivors of abuse, addiction, poverty, and prostitution located in the Pee Dee area of South Carolina. We welcomed our first resident in May 2021 and are currently accepting applications for new residents.

The Five Sparrows home was born out Luke 12:6  and the relationships we have built with thewomen incarcerated in our local jail. 

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.

After purchasing a house in May 2020, we are excited to now be serving residents. Five Sparrows is a safe place for survivors of abuse, addiction, poverty, and prostitution. A home. Though the location will remain undisclosed, we can tell you this home is a cutie! She is 2300 sq ft, has an oasis of a backyard, and oozes charm. She is completely paid for thanks to the generosity of amazing donors in the community. We are believing that this little plot of land will be where heaven meets earth for the TG family and all the women we are allowed to welcome in.

We have created Target and Amazon registries for items needed around the house. If you’d like to #BlessTheNest, all items purchased will be shipped directly to Tenacious Grace.

So many women we meet in jail begin or return to their relationship with Jesus while they are incarcerated. Yet, when they are released, they are once again trapped in a cycle of abuse and addiction. Most of them have nowhere to go but back into the same relationships and environments that brought them to jail to begin with.

Our goal is to break this cycle by offering a free, safe place of support for these ladies to live, learn life skills, receive counseling, and heal. We invite you to partner with us in this mission and invest in hope.